Sunday, May 23, 2010

i'll explain everything to the geese

hello friends!  

exciting news:  in one week I am moving back to Boston, to a sweetly beautiful apartment on a street i used to walk down with my parents when we'd go down to visit the big twinkling city, back when we first moved to Maine.  I was nine years old.  I loved the brownstones and the wrought iron lamp posts that dimmed slightly as I walked past, as though they were winking, as though they knew in 20 years I would be seeing them again.  Older, wiser, hipper.
The countdown begins!  
Memorial Day is fast approaching and this girl has no plans other than to enjoy these last few days of beautiful weather.  I may head up to the Pineland Farms Trail Running Festival and partake in the 10k on Saturday (i'd LOVE to try the 25k but I’ve sort of dropped the ball on quality running these last few days due to many crazy events that have taken place like my bro’s album release show, and then an early AM haul to Boston to check out the apartment of my dreams, but I can’t complain with the results of my real life ironing out quite nicely!)  Anyway, the races last two days and range in length from 5k to 50-miles.  Though there is camping available, I may just ride up early morning style.  My bro is playing some music at the event on Sunday so an overnight post run might actually be an option.   It’s supposed to be brilliant skies this weekend.  So I’ll let that be my focus, and not the hardship of the hills:)
The other day I went to the beach with my mom.  The waves were the biggest I’d seen in a while, the sky was on it’s way to twilight and the saturation of it’s yellows brought out beautiful shadows and a buttery wash over everything.  I couldn’t stop clicking, so I thought I’d post some of my favorites here (the rest will be posted on Flickr)...I’ve also added my favorite shot from later that night - when Pete Miller played his show at One Longfellow Square...
more to come on the move later this week.
make it a good day:) 

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