...my family & our amazing ability to be weird and mildly cool at the same time. I am performing part of my cousin's amazing dance move, "The Bat", and Mary has shown us her bra. Kate Miller is the only one who has class in the picture. This is what I love.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." ~Joshua 1:9
I am thankful that my God has me in His hands and in His Plans. Too often I take the reigns and think I am in control and I know the way around this world so watch out! And then I mess things up. And I am humbled over and over. How wonderful it is to know that He loves me and won't give up on me even when I give up on me.

...i'm thankful for friends. This motley crew laid down probably the funnest summer weekend of 2007 ever and we'll always have that time to look back on and laugh...like when kearly (3rd from right) proved that a girl can chug and win. she probably is the best beer chugger ever, actually (all behind her now). or that kay bradley (4th from right), whose flippn amazing house and family were ours for the weekend, casually showed us how to put our lobster to sleep (?) before we callously threw them in the pot to die. What a tender heart she has:) She's a true Mainer. Anyway, i know these are really great people and if I knew how to photoshop I would throw in some more really great humans that have affected my life in so many awesome ways. Friends. Count em on your hands and feet and treat em sweet.
(i'm definitely not done being thankful but i'll sign off on this post for now...)
i pretty much LOVE this.